(AUTRES) Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : CM61-historical-r1

RUN (link to outputs) Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Description of the simulation __________________________________ Period Name (link to parameters) bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
CM61-historical-r1 G - - G - - G - - CM61-LR-hist-03.1950 1990_1999 CM61-historical-r1 1.7975 1.203 238.466 237.263 262.287 -48.8369 25.024 -23.8129 3.00177 24.2506
CM62-LR-pd-L95-01 G - - - - - G - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-01 Tuning papier 2 1890_1899 CM62-LR-pd-L95-01 1.4331 0.919 241.335 240.416 264.817 -47.3212 24.401 -22.9202 3.11829 26.5218
CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 G - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1860_1869 CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 1.3401 0.776 239.781 239.005 263.535 -48.2938 24.53 -23.7638 3.06089 25.2316
CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 - - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1870_1879 CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 1.3727 0.838 239.998 239.16 263.628 -48.0766 24.468 -23.6086 3.06237 25.3057
CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 G - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1880_1889 CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 1.2524 0.742 240.144 239.402 263.949 -48.1179 24.547 -23.5709 3.07472 25.6682
CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 - - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1890_1899 CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 1.2496 0.728 240.314 239.586 264.13 -48.0824 24.544 -23.5384 3.08065 25.7685
CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 - - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1850_1859 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 1.8703 1.333 240.073 238.74 263.186 -47.674 24.446 -23.228 3.03699 25.2194
CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 - - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1860_1869 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 1.6744 1.171 240.517 239.346 263.873 -47.679 24.527 -23.152 3.05993 25.6355
CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 G - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1870_1879 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 1.454 0.961 240.581 239.62 264.193 -47.7492 24.573 -23.1762 3.07464 26.0076
CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 - - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1880_1889 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 0.9607 0.453 239.499 239.046 263.833 -48.7595 24.787 -23.9725 3.05014 25.5647
CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 - - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1890_1899 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 1.1036 0.607 239.503 238.896 263.681 -48.7169 24.785 -23.9319 3.04786 25.3671
CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 - - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1900_1909 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 1.2373 0.746 239.564 238.818 263.465 -48.4296 24.647 -23.7826 3.03436 25.1185

Calcul de métriques sur des masques

Les flux sont orientés vers le bas. Les moyennes sont faites sur les masques montrés entre le titre et le graphe. Pour ETOA, la figure correspond à la différence entre le rouge et le bleu.

Moyennes annuelles - Annual mean

Global Circum. Antart Circum. Antart anom Inter Hemispheric
East Tropic Ocean Anom. (ETOA) ETO anom : ETO - WEAK ETO anom : SUBS - WEAK
Convective Weak Subsidence Tropic oceans
Oceans Continent N. Atlantic Arctic Oce.

DJF mean

Siberia US gr. plains Arctic N. Atlantic Circum Antart.

JJA mean

Siberia US gr. plains Arctic N. Atlantic Circum Antart.