(AUTRES) Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : CM61-historical-r1

RUN (link to outputs) Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Description of the simulation __________________________________ Period Name (link to parameters) bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
CM61-historical-r1 G - - G - - G - - CM61-LR-hist-03.1950 1990_1999 CM61-historical-r1 1.7975 1.203 238.466 237.263 262.287 -48.8369 25.024 -23.8129 3.00177 24.2506
CM62-LR-pd-L95-01 G - - - - - G - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-01 Tuning papier 2 1890_1899 CM62-LR-pd-L95-01 1.4331 0.919 241.335 240.416 264.817 -47.3212 24.401 -22.9202 3.11829 26.5218
CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 G - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1860_1869 CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 1.3401 0.776 239.781 239.005 263.535 -48.2938 24.53 -23.7638 3.06089 25.2316
CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 - - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1870_1879 CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 1.3727 0.838 239.998 239.16 263.628 -48.0766 24.468 -23.6086 3.06237 25.3057
CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 G - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1880_1889 CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 1.2524 0.742 240.144 239.402 263.949 -48.1179 24.547 -23.5709 3.07472 25.6682
CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 - - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1890_1899 CM62-LR-pd-L95-02 1.2496 0.728 240.314 239.586 264.13 -48.0824 24.544 -23.5384 3.08065 25.7685
CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 - - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1850_1859 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 1.8703 1.333 240.073 238.74 263.186 -47.674 24.446 -23.228 3.03699 25.2194
CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 - - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1860_1869 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 1.6744 1.171 240.517 239.346 263.873 -47.679 24.527 -23.152 3.05993 25.6355
CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 G - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1870_1879 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 1.454 0.961 240.581 239.62 264.193 -47.7492 24.573 -23.1762 3.07464 26.0076
CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 - - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1880_1889 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 0.9607 0.453 239.499 239.046 263.833 -48.7595 24.787 -23.9725 3.05014 25.5647
CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 - - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1890_1899 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 1.1036 0.607 239.503 238.896 263.681 -48.7169 24.785 -23.9319 3.04786 25.3671
CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 - - - - - - - - - CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 Tuning papier 2 rereglee 1900_1909 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03 1.2373 0.746 239.564 238.818 263.465 -48.4296 24.647 -23.7826 3.03436 25.1185

Multi atlas, DJF, simulation de référence : CM61-LR-hist-03.1950_1990_1999 (MAPS)

2d vars

  • OBSERVATIONS CM61-LR-hist-03.1950_1990_1999 CM62-LR-pd-L95-01_1890_1899 CM62-LR-pd-L95-02_1860_1869 CM62-LR-pd-L95-02_1870_1879 CM62-LR-pd-L95-02_1880_1889 CM62-LR-pd-L95-02_1890_1899 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03_1850_1859 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03_1860_1869 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03_1870_1879 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03_1880_1889 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03_1890_1899 CM62-LR-pd-L95-03_1900_1909
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • - Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • - Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing