(AUTRES) Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : LMDZ.REF

RUN (link to outputs) Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Description of the simulation ____________________ Period Name (link to parameters) bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
LMDZ.REF G - - G - - G - - LMDZ REF curie 1980_1980 LMDZ.REF 2.0045 0.79 236.847 236.057 260.099 -49.9124 24.042 -25.8704 3.05076 24.7065
LMDZ.8OMP G - - G - - G - - Irene 8 OMP 1980_1980 LMDZ.8OMP 2.3322 0.994 236.964 235.97 259.881 -49.6655 23.911 -25.7545 3.04913 24.7239
LMDZ.12OMP G - - G - - G - - Irene 12 OMP 1980_1980 LMDZ.12OMP 2.3022 1.05 237.361 236.311 260.166 -49.4184 23.855 -25.5634 3.04471 24.6517
LMDZ.16OMP - - - G - - G - - Irene 16 OMP 1980_1980 LMDZ.16OMP 2.2851 0.936 237.229 236.293 260.101 -49.4354 23.808 -25.6274 3.047 24.6483

Multi atlas, DJF, simulation de référence : LMDZ.REF_1980_1980 (BIAS)

2d vars

  • OBSERVATIONS LMDZ.REF_1980_1980 LMDZ.REF_1980_1980 (BIAS) LMDZ.8OMP_1980_1980 LMDZ.12OMP_1980_1980 LMDZ.16OMP_1980_1980
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • -
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • -
  • Latent Heat Flux (hfls)
  • Latent Heat Flux (hfls)
  • -
  • Relative Humidity at Surface (hurs)
  • Relative Humidity at Surface (hurs)
  • -
  • Sea Level Pressure (psl)
  • Sea Level Pressure (psl)
  • -
  • Zonal Wind (ua)
  • Zonal Wind (ua)
  • -
  • Meridional Wind (va)
  • Meridional Wind (va)
  • -
  • Air Temperature (ta)
  • Air Temperature (ta)
  • -
  • Specific Humidity (hus)
  • Specific Humidity (hus)
  • -
  • Relative Humidity (hur)
  • Relative Humidity (hur)
  • -
  • Planetary albedo (albt)
  • Planetary albedo (albt)
  • -
  • Downward SW rad at Surface (rsds)
  • Downward SW rad at Surface (rsds)
  • -
  • Surface albedo (albs)
  • Surface albedo (albs)
  • -
  • Shortwave Cloud Radiative Effect TOA (crest)
  • Shortwave Cloud Radiative Effect TOA (crest)
  • -
  • prw (prw)
  • prw (prw)
  • -
  • Outgoing Long Wave Radiation (rlut)
  • Outgoing Long Wave Radiation (rlut)
  • -