(AUTRES) Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : IPSLCM6.2-LR-pd-QUEST-01

RUN (link to outputs) Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Description of the simulation ____________________________ Period Name (link to parameters) bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
IPSLCM6.2-LR-pd-QUEST-01 G - - - - - - - - IPSLCM6.2-LR-pd-QUEST-01 2230_2239 IPSLCM6.2-LR-pd-QUEST-01 1.3923 0.839 238.811 237.972 263.235 -48.5354 25.263 -23.2724 3.02456 24.9039
IPSLCM6.2-preQUEST-01 G - - - - - - - - IPSLCM6.2-preQUEST-01 2140_2149 IPSLCM6.2-preQUEST-01 1.1565 0.478 240.706 240.228 264.664 -47.1982 24.436 -22.7622 3.0716 24.9351
IPSLCM6.2-QUEST-MR-02 G - - - - - - - - IPSLCM6.2-QUEST-MR-02 2290_2299 IPSLCM6.2-QUEST-MR-02 1.4506 0.791 237.695 236.904 261.475 -49.55 24.571 -24.979 2.91669 24.268

Metrics with respect to forced-by-SST AMIP multi model

Metrics with respect to coupled CMIP5 simulations (historical)

Metrics with respect to IPSLCM5A-LR (clim A verifier)