RUN (link to outputs) | Atlas YEAR | Atlas --DJF-- | Atlas --JJA-- | Description of the simulation _______________________ | Period | Name (link to parameters) | bils | rt | rst | rlut | rlutcs | crest | crelt | cret | eva | pr | prw |
CLIMATOS | 7.097 | 0.7823 | 240.4 | 239.6 | 269.4 | -47.05 | 29.84 | -17.21 | 3.415 | 2.61 | 27.46 | ||||||
v3.historical1 | - - - | - - - | G - - | IPSL-CM5A-LR | 1990_1999 | v3.historical1 | 0.885 | 0.916 | 237.874 | 236.958 | 267.781 | -51.4382 | 30.823 | -20.6152 | 2.71387 | 22.0983 | |
v5.histNP1 | G - - | - - - | G - - | IPSL-CM5B-LR | 1880_1889 | v5.histNP1 | 0.8241 | 0.131 | 239.305 | 239.174 | 267.94 | -50.2356 | 28.766 | -21.4696 | 2.74828 | 22.5938 | |
CM609-LR-pdCtrl-01 | G - - | - - - | G - - | IPSL-CM6.0.9 | 2680_2689 | CM609-LR-pdCtrl-01 | 1.388 | 0.242 | 239.879 | 239.637 | 263.338 | -46.3707 | 23.701 | -22.6697 | 3.14106 | 25.5312 | |
CM6014-pd-ttop-02 | G - - | - - - | G - - | IPSL-CM6014-ttop | 2530_2539 | CM6014-pd-ttop-02 | 1.2003 | 0.498 | 240.288 | 239.79 | 263.584 | -47.0483 | 23.794 | -23.2543 | 2.9926 | 25.1747 | |
CM6014-pd-split-D-02 | G - - | - - - | G - - | IPSL-CM6014-splitD | 2190_2199 | CM6014-pd-split-D-02 | 1.2196 | 0.657 | 239.153 | 238.496 | 263.804 | -48.3466 | 25.308 | -23.0386 | 3.02093 | 25.0276 | |
CM6014-pd-splith-01 | G - - | - - - | G - - | IPSL-CM6014splith | 2290_2299 | CM6014-pd-splith-01 | 1.3336 | 0.747 | 239.372 | 238.625 | 263.271 | -48.0887 | 24.646 | -23.4427 | 3.02148 | 24.9281 | |