Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : FHXVLR9L39NPv3.2

RUN Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Outputs Model Parameters Tested Parameter Period bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
FHXVLR9L39NPv3.2 G - - G - - G - - X X NPv3.2 L39 2001_2005 4.1727 3.0723 242.066 238.994 264.338 -44.9845 25.344 -19.6405 999999 2.95785 999999
FHXVLR9NPv3.2 - - - - - - - - - X X NPv3.2 L79 2001_2005 -2.895 -3.7989 240.886 244.685 263.112 -45.9983 18.427 -27.5713 999999 3.03988 25.104
FHXVLR9NPv5.70 - - - - - - - - - X X NPv5.70 2001_2005 4.745 3.951 236.731 232.78 258.089 -48.1932 25.309 -22.8842 999999 2.95417 24.5673
FHXVLR9NPv6.0.9 G - - G - - - - - X X NPv609 2001_2005 2.9772 2.171 237.608 235.437 259.034 -47.4829 23.597 -23.8859 999999 3.14376 999999
FHXVLR9V83 G - - G - - - - - X X NPv6083 2001_2005 3.3393 2.243 239.283 237.04 259.147 -45.7144 22.107 -23.6074 999999 3.09942 999999
FHXVLR9V83wb3p05 G - - G - - G - - X X NPv6083 wbmax=3 wb0=0.5 2001_2005 1.4682 -0.005 236.496 236.501 258.926 -48.4742 22.425 -26.0492 999999 3.12371 999999
FHXVLR9V83wb3p05MY G - - G - - G - - X X NPv6083 wbmax=3 wb0=0.5 new MY 2001_2005 3.4002 1.999 237.386 235.387 257.87 -47.6464 22.483 -25.1634 999999 3.07926 999999
FHXVLR9V83wb3p05Ric18MY G - - G - - G - - X X NPv6083 wbmax=3 wb0=0.5 new MY, ric=0.18 2001_2005 2.3541 0.908 237.251 236.343 258.494 -47.7014 22.151 -25.5504 999999 3.08289 999999
FHXVLR9V83wb3p05Ric18MYfallv G - - G - - G - - X X NPv3.2 L39 2001_2005 2.8881 1.457 236.291 234.834 258.335 -48.6528 23.501 -25.1518 999999 3.05739 25.9826
FHXVLR9V83wb0p1ls G - - G - - G - - X X wb ls 2001_2005 -0.122 -2.128 235.103 237.231 259.594 -49.8964 22.363 -27.5334 999999 3.15834 25.7622
FHXVLR9V83wb1p08ls G - - G - - G - - X X wb ls 2001_2005 0.4502 -1.283 235.641 236.924 259.254 -49.3263 22.33 -26.9963 999999 3.14972 25.7968

Metrics computation

RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) between models and reference datasets (observations or reanalyses depending on the variable; identified at the top of the columns). The RMSE are computed on a 12-month climatological annual cycle (spatio-temporal variability + mean); they mix the information on the spatio-temporal correlation and standard-deviation ratio, as well as the mean bias. The results are shown in % of the average RMSE obtained for the set of simulations chosen as reference. A result of -10 indicates that this error is 10% lower than the average of the errors of the reference simulations.  Basically these metrics provide an overall view on whether the simulations are closer to or further of a set of reference simulations (say, the AMIP simulations, an AR4 simulation...)

Metrics with respect to forced-by-SST AMIP multi model

Metrics with respect to coupled CMIP5 simulations (historical)

Metrics with respect to IPSLCM5A-LR (clim A verifier)