(AUTRES) Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10S

RUN Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Description of the simulation ______________________________ Name Period bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10S G - - - - - - - - FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10S 2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10S 4.7944 4.136 236.324 232.188 258.679 -48.7733 26.491 -22.2823 2.97746 26.1269
FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10Sb G - - - - - - - - FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10Sb 2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10Sb 3.8762 3.18 234.983 231.803 258.773 -50.1502 26.97 -23.1802 2.98466 26.1765
FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10Snebb G - - - - - - - - FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10Snebb 2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10Snebb 5.5899 5.038 237.69 232.652 258.932 -47.4952 26.28 -21.2152 2.97204 26.0954
FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10Seddz G - - - - - - - - FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10Seddz 2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10Seddz 2.8705 2.279 233.921 231.642 258.92 -51.2284 27.278 -23.9504 2.99275 25.9376
FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10Svert G - - - - - - - - FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10Svert 2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10Svert 4.3029 3.699 235.767 232.068 258.872 -49.3977 26.804 -22.5937 2.97534 26.0687
FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10Scdmax G - - - - - - - - FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10Scdmax 2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10Scdmax 4.1558 3.441 235.548 232.107 259.016 -49.6487 26.909 -22.7397 2.97199 26.0351

Metrics computation

RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) between models and reference datasets (observations or reanalyses depending on the variable; identified at the top of the columns). The RMSE are computed on a 12-month climatological annual cycle (spatio-temporal variability + mean); they mix the information on the spatio-temporal correlation and standard-deviation ratio, as well as the mean bias. The results are shown in % of the average RMSE obtained for the set of simulations chosen as reference. A result of -10 indicates that this error is 10% lower than the average of the errors of the reference simulations.  Basically these metrics provide an overall view on whether the simulations are closer to or further of a set of reference simulations (say, the AMIP simulations, an AR4 simulation...)

Metrics with respect to forced-by-SST AMIP multi model

Metrics with respect to coupled CMIP5 simulations (historical)

Metrics with respect to IPSLCM5A-LR (clim A verifier)