(AUTRES) Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : FHXVLR10NPv6.0.9

RUN Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Description of the simulation _______________________________________________________________ Name Period bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
FHXVLR10NPv6.0.9 G - - - - - - - - Controle 2001_2008 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.9 3.0928 2.271 237.675 235.404 259.047 -47.4095 23.643 -23.7665 3.14291 26.3558
FHXVLR10NPv6.0.9 G - - - - - - - - Controle sur un an 2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.9 3.4078 2.496 237.543 235.047 258.626 -47.5652 23.579 -23.9862 3.1452 26.4218
FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10blcv G - - - - - - - - CL Dome C + convection inhibee par t_top_max=255 (Enso correct) 2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10blcv 2.0455 2.217 237.767 235.55 258.347 -47.1431 22.797 -24.3461 3.07371 25.4433
FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10blcveEvP G - - - - - - - - gust + Recherche Bord Est dont augmentation t_top_max (255 -> 275), ed_dz + reevaporation modifiee 2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10blcveEvP 3.6663 3.643 238.44 234.797 258.522 -46.5176 23.725 -22.7926 3.03967 25.5997
FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10I G - - - - - - - - (ou NPv6.0.10blcvhEvP) Abandon t_top_max mais thermiques en dehors des poches seulement (iflag_pbl_split=10) 2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10I 1.2782 1.374 237.483 236.109 259.129 -47.5072 23.02 -24.4872 2.9628 25.8428
FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10K G - - - - - - - - Cdmax ocean augmentes, ed_dz 0.1 -> 0.15, fallv 0.6 -> 0.5, ratqshaut 0.4 -> 0.3, sigdz: 0.01 -> 0.003, gkwake : 1.0 -> 0.4 (blcvJ en couple) 2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10K 3.855 3.89 235.438 231.548 258.789 -49.5461 27.241 -22.3051 2.9489 25.923
FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10M G - - - - - - - - reevaporation diminuee (coef_eva : 1.e-4 -> 3.e-5, cld_lc : 0.9e-4 -> 2.1e-4), elecrit, : 0.00025 -> 0.0003, epcrit : -40 -> -50, epmax : 0.998 -> 0.9997 2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10M 3.0914 3.037 234.692 231.655 258.492 -50.2725 26.837 -23.4355 3.02147 25.3021
FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10N G - - - - - - - - Retour en arriere sur reevap (coef_eva : 3.e-5 -> 1.e-4, cld_lc : 0.9e-4 -> 2.1e-4), elcrit -50 -> -55 2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10N 3.2754 3.309 233.921 230.612 258.492 -50.9983 27.88 -23.1183 2.91573 25.9158

Multi atlas, YEAR, simulation de référence : FHXVLR10NPv6.0.9_2001_2008 (MAPS)

2d vars

  • OBSERVATIONS FHXVLR10NPv6.0.9_2001_2008 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.9_2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10blcv_2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10blcveEvP_2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10I_2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10K_2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10M_2001_2001 FHXVLR10NPv6.0.10N_2001_2001
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • -
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • -
  • Shortwave Cloud Radiative Effect TOA (crest)
  • Shortwave Cloud Radiative Effect TOA (crest)
  • Shortwave Cloud Radiative Effect TOA (crest)
  • -
  • Downward SW rad at Surface (rsds)
  • Downward SW rad at Surface (rsds)
  • Downward SW rad at Surface (rsds)
  • -
  • prw (prw)
  • prw (prw)
  • prw (prw)
  • -
  • Total CRE TOA (crett)
  • Total CRE TOA (crett)
  • Total CRE TOA (crett)
  • -