(AUTRES) Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : LMDZOR6.0.12split.ref

RUN (link to outputs) Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Description of the simulation _____________________________ Period Name (link to parameters) bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
LMDZOR6.0.12split.ref G - - G - - G - - LMDZOR CLIM 2000_2009 LMDZOR6.0.12split.ref 3.5878 2.933 240.848 237.915 263.13 -47.6562 25.215 -22.4412 2.99437 25.3235
LMDZOR6.0.12split.NEWG G - - G - - G - - NEW GUST CLIM 2000_2009 LMDZOR6.0.12split.NEWG 5.5849 4.9161 242.48 237.564 262.388 -46.044 24.824 -21.22 2.95623 24.8193
LMDZOR6.0.12split.Z0 G - - G - - G - - Z0 CLIM 2000_2009 LMDZOR6.0.12split.Z0 4.9118 4.2241 241.94 237.716 262.671 -46.6433 24.955 -21.6883 2.99723 25.4552
CPL6.0.12split G - - G - - G - - CM6012split CLIM 2000_2009 CPL6.0.12split 1.5467 1.037 239.404 238.367 263.893 -48.3397 25.526 -22.8137 3.00027 24.8004
CPL6.0.12.NGsplit G - - G - - G - - CM6012split New Gust 1970_1979 CPL6.0.12.NGsplit 1.5293 1.016 239.616 238.6 264.17 -48.1921 25.57 -22.6221 2.99782 25.1748
CPL6.0.12.NOGUSTsplit G - - G - - G - - CM6012split NO Gust 2000_2009 CPL6.0.12.NOGUSTsplit 1.5467 1.037 239.404 238.367 263.893 -48.3397 25.526 -22.8137 3.00027 24.8004

Multi atlas, DJF, simulation de référence : LMDZOR6.0.12split.ref_2000_2009 (MAPS)

2d vars

  • OBSERVATIONS LMDZOR6.0.12split.ref_2000_2009 LMDZOR6.0.12split.NEWG_2000_2009 LMDZOR6.0.12split.Z0_2000_2009 CPL6.0.12split_2000_2009 CPL6.0.12.NGsplit_1970_1979 CPL6.0.12.NOGUSTsplit_2000_2009
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • -
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • -
  • Latent Heat Flux (hfls)
  • Latent Heat Flux (hfls)
  • -
  • Sensible Heat Flux (hfss)
  • Sensible Heat Flux (hfss)
  • -
  • Total Radiation TOA (rtt)
  • Total Radiation TOA (rtt)
  • -
  • Rad SW Total TOA (rstt)
  • Rad SW Total TOA (rstt)
  • -
  • Outgoing Long Wave Radiation (rlut)
  • Outgoing Long Wave Radiation (rlut)
  • -
  • prw (prw)
  • prw (prw)
  • -
  • Relative Humidity (hur)
  • Relative Humidity (hur)
  • -
  • Downward SW rad at Surface (rsds)
  • Downward SW rad at Surface (rsds)
  • -
  • Surface albedo (albs)
  • Surface albedo (albs)
  • -
  • Air Temperature (ta)
  • Air Temperature (ta)
  • -
  • Zonal Wind (ua)
  • Zonal Wind (ua)
  • -
  • Meridional Wind (va)
  • Meridional Wind (va)
  • -
  • Sea Level Pressure (psl)
  • Sea Level Pressure (psl)
  • -
  • Zonal Wind Stress (tauu)
  • Zonal Wind Stress (tauu)
  • -
  • Meridional Wind Stress (tauv)
  • Meridional Wind Stress (tauv)
  • -