(AUTRES) Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : v3.historical1

RUN (link to outputs) Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Description of the simulation _______________________ Period Name (link to parameters) bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
v3.historical1 G - - - - - G - - IPSL-CM5A-LR 1990_1999 v3.historical1 0.885 0.916 237.874 236.958 267.781 -51.4382 30.823 -20.6152 2.71387 22.0983
v5.histNP1 G - - - - - G - - IPSL-CM5B-LR 1880_1889 v5.histNP1 0.8241 0.131 239.305 239.174 267.94 -50.2356 28.766 -21.4696 2.74828 22.5938
CPL6v5.17h G - - - - - G - - IPCL-CM6.0.1 1940_1949 CPL6v5.17h -0.1735 -0.935 240.814 241.749 266.623 -51.7843 24.874 -26.9103 2.9718 21.664
CM603T02V01 G - - - - - G - - IPSL-CM6.0.3 CTRL 2000_2049 CM603T02V01 0.8319 -0.617 240.93 241.547 268.905 -50.1209 27.358 -22.7629 3.11364 25.7475
CM605-LR-pdCtrl-01 - - - - - - - - - 6.0.5 CTRL 2290_2299 CM605-LR-pdCtrl-01 1.2099 0.04 240.036 239.996 266.416 -45.3927 26.42 -18.9727 2.99734 24.7966
CM609-LR-pdCtrl-01 - - - - - - - - - IPSL-CM6.0.9 2680_2689 CM609-LR-pdCtrl-01 1.388 0.242 239.879 239.637 263.338 -46.3707 23.701 -22.6697 3.14106 25.5312
CM6015S-pd-03 G - - - - - G - - CM6015S-pd-03 2730_2739 CM6015S-pd-03 1.4589 0.891 239.034 238.143 263.385 -48.705 25.242 -23.463 3.03352 25.016
CM6015S-hist-03 G - - - - - G - - CM6015S-hist-03 1990_1999 CM6015S-hist-03 1.7834 1.194 238.688 237.494 262.59 -48.8338 25.096 -23.7378 3.01085 24.417
CM6015S-hist-03 G - - - - - G - - CM6015S-hist-03 2000_2009 CM6015S-hist-03 1.9337 1.339 239.108 237.769 262.916 -49.2424 25.147 -24.0954 3.02612 24.9024
CM61-pre-pi-01 G - - - - - G - - CM61-pre-pi-01 1830_1839 CM61-pre-pi-01 1.3792 0.75 238.853 238.103 263.948 -49.1256 25.845 -23.2806 2.9911 22.9315

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Responsable : David Cugnet
Liste de diffusion : lmdz_stratosphere@mailhost.lmd.jussieu.fr