(AUTRES) Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : CMIP6-amip-BCC-CSM2-MR_r1i1p1f1

RUN (link to outputs) Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Description of the simulation ___________________________________ Period Name (link to parameters) bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
CMIP6-amip-BCC-CSM2-MR_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-BCC-CSM2-MR_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-BCC-CSM2-MR_r1i1p1f1 3.1795 1.8475 240.605 238.757 264.764 -50.963 26.007 -24.956 2.92992 24.5305
CMIP6-amip-BCC-ESM1_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-BCC-ESM1_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-BCC-ESM1_r1i1p1f1 1.9893 0.943 233.237 232.294 261.484 -56.9201 29.19 -27.7301 2.77243 25.9639
CMIP6-amip-CAMS-CSM1-0_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-CAMS-CSM1-0_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-CAMS-CSM1-0_r1i1p1f1 0.8522 0.961 237.835 236.874 260.698 -45.1628 23.824 -21.3388 2.76104 26.4917
CMIP6-amip-CanESM5_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-CanESM5_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-CanESM5_r1i1p1f1 3.2387 2.4948 241.924 239.429 264.431 -45.1694 25.002 -20.1674 2.8688 23.7187
CMIP6-amip-CESM2_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-CESM2_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-CESM2_r1i1p1f1 3.9501 3.5632 241.504 237.941 261.901 -47.5348 23.96 -23.5748 2.88221 24.5168
CMIP6-amip-CESM2-WACCM_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-CESM2-WACCM_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-CESM2-WACCM_r1i1p1f1 4.1953 3.2791 240.616 237.337 262.124 -48.2501 24.787 -23.4631 2.86794 24.5871
CMIP6-amip-CNRM-CM6-1_r1i1p1f2 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-CNRM-CM6-1_r1i1p1f2 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-CNRM-CM6-1_r1i1p1f2 -0.3227 0.433 238.657 238.224 260.437 -48.8992 22.213 -26.6862 2.9666 23.7968
CMIP6-amip-CNRM-ESM2-1_r1i1p1f2 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-CNRM-ESM2-1_r1i1p1f2 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-CNRM-ESM2-1_r1i1p1f2 0.1737 0.912 239.489 238.577 260.936 -48.2914 22.359 -25.9324 2.95369 23.7613
CMIP6-amip-E3SM-1-0_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-E3SM-1-0_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-E3SM-1-0_r1i1p1f1 0.8486 0.091 239.223 239.132 263.74 -49.4269 24.608 -24.8189 3.08153 24.8479
CMIP6-amip-EC-Earth3_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-EC-Earth3_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-EC-Earth3_r1i1p1f1 0.5821 -0.538 239.243 239.781 266.223 -45.828 26.442 -19.386 2.89939 23.4234
CMIP6-amip-EC-Earth3-Veg_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-EC-Earth3-Veg_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-EC-Earth3-Veg_r1i1p1f1 0.7056 -0.412 239.345 239.757 266.207 -45.7547 26.45 -19.3047 2.89637 23.416
CMIP6-amip-FGOALS-f3-L_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-FGOALS-f3-L_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-FGOALS-f3-L_r1i1p1f1 -0.2001 -1.0054 242.124 243.129 261.437 -44.3141 18.308 -26.0061 2.9569 999999
CMIP6-amip-FGOALS-g3_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-FGOALS-g3_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-FGOALS-g3_r1i1p1f1 -0.8599 1.243 236.722 235.479 262.307 -47.4741 26.828 -20.6461 2.78703 23.6964
CMIP6-amip-GFDL-AM4_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-GFDL-AM4_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-GFDL-AM4_r1i1p1f1 1.4296 0.591 239.676 239.085 262.782 -48.5645 23.697 -24.8675 2.96167 23.6481
CMIP6-amip-GFDL-CM4_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-GFDL-CM4_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-GFDL-CM4_r1i1p1f1 1.0322 0.207 239.283 239.076 262.695 -48.1834 23.619 -24.5644 2.95256 23.4859
CMIP6-amip-GFDL-ESM4_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-GFDL-ESM4_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-GFDL-ESM4_r1i1p1f1 -1999998 -999999 0 999999 999999 0 0 0 2.96905 23.5773
CMIP6-amip-GISS-E2-1-G_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-GISS-E2-1-G_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-GISS-E2-1-G_r1i1p1f1 1.3386 0.47 237.884 237.414 258.232 -48.7066 20.818 -27.8886 2.97217 25.6754
CMIP6-amip-HadGEM3-GC31-LL_r1i1p1f3 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-HadGEM3-GC31-LL_r1i1p1f3 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-HadGEM3-GC31-LL_r1i1p1f3 0.8125 0.0128 240.738 240.725 263.509 -44.3735 22.784 -21.5895 3.12999 24.4622
CMIP6-amip-HadGEM3-GC31-MM_r1i1p1f3 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-HadGEM3-GC31-MM_r1i1p1f3 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-HadGEM3-GC31-MM_r1i1p1f3 0.7474 -0.0748 241.492 241.567 263.973 -43.4708 22.406 -21.0648 3.16246 24.6051
CMIP6-amip-INM-CM4-8_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-INM-CM4-8_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-INM-CM4-8_r1i1p1f1 -0.3543 2.9877 242.627 239.639 262.227 -39.9299 22.588 -17.3419 3.08958 25.6113
CMIP6-amip-INM-CM5-0_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-INM-CM5-0_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-INM-CM5-0_r1i1p1f1 -1.0055 -0.5094 241.18 241.689 264.944 -41.1059 23.255 -17.8509 3.11295 25.4759
CMIP6-amip-IPSL-CM6A-LR_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-IPSL-CM6A-LR_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-IPSL-CM6A-LR_r1i1p1f1 2.8628 2.162 240.072 237.91 262.925 -48.311 25.015 -23.296 3.04042 25.2517
CMIP6-amip-MIROC6_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-MIROC6_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-MIROC6_r1i1p1f1 0.4557 0.117 230.278 230.161 258.536 -58.1471 28.375 -29.7721 3.16884 26.2579
CMIP6-amip-MRI-ESM2-0_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-MRI-ESM2-0_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-MRI-ESM2-0_r1i1p1f1 2.0067 1.9833 241.137 239.154 263.164 -43.8788 24.01 -19.8688 2.99582 24.823
CMIP6-amip-NESM3_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-NESM3_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-NESM3_r1i1p1f1 1.2482 1.498 237.838 236.34 262.132 -48.1221 25.792 -22.3301 2.86879 27.4382
CMIP6-amip-NorCPM1_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-NorCPM1_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-NorCPM1_r1i1p1f1 -0.0351 -0.631 234.58 235.211 264.734 -55.7096 29.523 -26.1866 2.87632 25.7032
CMIP6-amip-NorESM2-LM_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-NorESM2-LM_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-NorESM2-LM_r1i1p1f1 2.7436 1.931 238.114 236.183 260.692 -49.3167 24.509 -24.8077 2.85443 25.4518
CMIP6-amip-SAM0-UNICON_r1i1p1f1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-SAM0-UNICON_r1i1p1f1 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-SAM0-UNICON_r1i1p1f1 1.5819 2.5365 241.126 238.59 261.65 -48.9767 23.06 -25.9167 3.03078 24.892
CMIP6-amip-UKESM1-0-LL_r1i1p1f2 - - - - - - - - - CMIP6-amip-UKESM1-0-LL_r1i1p1f2 1979_2005 CMIP6-amip-UKESM1-0-LL_r1i1p1f2 0.9243 0.1097 240.828 240.718 263.23 -44.5469 22.512 -22.0349 3.10772 24.441

Axe 2: variabilité des précipitations tropicales

Responsable : Catherine Rio remplacée momentanéement par Jean-Yves Grandpeix et Marine Bonazzola
Liste de diffusion : lmdz_vartrop@mailhost.lmd.jussieu.fr

Analyse LMA (Local Modes Analysis)

Variabilité des précipitations, comparée à TRMM

Variabilité des précipitations, comparée à TRMM (alternative)

distribution moyenne précipitations, comparée à TRMM et GPCP (océan/continent)