(AUTRES) Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : CMIP5-historical-ACCESS1-0_r1i1p1

RUN (link to outputs) Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Description of the simulation _______________________________________ Period Name (link to parameters) bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
CMIP5-historical-ACCESS1-0_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-ACCESS1-0_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-ACCESS1-0_r1i1p1 1.7936 0.9913 242.464 241.473 266.601 -44.9273 25.128 -19.7993 3.07157 23.0073
CMIP5-historical-ACCESS1-3_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-ACCESS1-3_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-ACCESS1-3_r1i1p1 1.6864 0.5629 243.328 242.765 269.434 -44.5905 26.669 -17.9215 3.15457 23.8019
CMIP5-historical-bcc-csm1-1-m_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-bcc-csm1-1-m_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-bcc-csm1-1-m_r1i1p1 1.2974 0.01 236.134 236.124 265.636 -52.8248 29.512 -23.3128 2.86743 25.5214
CMIP5-historical-bcc-csm1-1_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-bcc-csm1-1_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-bcc-csm1-1_r1i1p1 1.1126 -0.077 235.276 235.353 262.316 -53.3113 26.963 -26.3483 2.8355 24.06
CMIP5-historical-CanCM4_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-CanCM4_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-CanCM4_r1i1p1 0.7194 -999897 -999658 239.171 999999 0 999760 999760 2.75913 999999
CMIP5-historical-CanESM2_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-CanESM2_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-CanESM2_r1i1p1 0.8576 0.738 240.128 239.39 264.632 -46.971 25.242 -21.729 2.75073 23.3759
CMIP5-historical-CCSM4_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-CCSM4_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-CCSM4_r1i1p1 1.5212 0.8216 242.655 241.833 265.229 -46.877 23.396 -23.481 2.96816 25.5071
CMIP5-historical-CESM1-BGC_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-CESM1-BGC_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-CESM1-BGC_r1i1p1 1.5144 0.8377 242.841 242.003 265.43 -46.856 23.427 -23.429 2.96987 25.5291
CMIP5-historical-CESM1-CAM5-1-FV2_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-CESM1-CAM5-1-FV2_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-CESM1-CAM5-1-FV2_r1i1p1 -1999998 -237.311 0 237.311 999999 0 999762 999762 999999 999999
CMIP5-historical-CESM1-CAM5_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-CESM1-CAM5_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-CESM1-CAM5_r1i1p1 1.3907 2.624 239.846 237.222 259.553 -48.8746 22.331 -26.5436 3.03011 24.5036
CMIP5-historical-CESM1-FASTCHEM_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-CESM1-FASTCHEM_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-CESM1-FASTCHEM_r1i1p1 1.5336 0.848 243.29 242.442 265.866 -46.6022 23.424 -23.1782 2.97537 25.634
CMIP5-historical-CESM1-WACCM_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-CESM1-WACCM_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-CESM1-WACCM_r1i1p1 1.2575 0.704 235.215 234.511 264.906 -54.5802 30.395 -24.1852 2.85608 26.0423
CMIP5-historical-CMCC-CESM_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-CMCC-CESM_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-CMCC-CESM_r1i1p1 1.5924 1.926 233.596 231.67 258.878 -47.4659 27.208 -20.2579 2.87364 26.2554
CMIP5-historical-CMCC-CMS_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-CMCC-CMS_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-CMCC-CMS_r1i1p1 1.1446 1.233 236.961 235.728 262.093 999894 26.365 999920 2.91989 26.0039
CMIP5-historical-CNRM-CM5-2_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-CNRM-CM5-2_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-CNRM-CM5-2_r1i1p1 1.0528 3.847 243.482 239.635 261.283 -41.7758 21.648 -20.1278 3.01793 22.3677
CMIP5-historical-CNRM-CM5_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-CNRM-CM5_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-CNRM-CM5_r1i1p1 1.259 4.1587 244.25 240.091 261.969 -42.5804 21.878 -20.7024 3.05205 22.64
CMIP5-historical-CSIRO-Mk3-6-0_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-CSIRO-Mk3-6-0_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-CSIRO-Mk3-6-0_r1i1p1 0.6458 0.862 235.117 234.255 263.779 -45.5486 29.524 -16.0246 2.87906 23.6784
CMIP5-historical-FGOALS-g2_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-FGOALS-g2_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-FGOALS-g2_r1i1p1 0.7126 1.595 235.095 233.5 257.643 -49.7004 24.143 -25.5574 2.81696 999999
CMIP5-historical-FGOALS-s2_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-FGOALS-s2_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-FGOALS-s2_r1i1p1 1.279 1.7182 246.166 244.448 261.876 -47.4844 17.428 -30.0564 2.73857 23.5731
CMIP5-historical-FIO-ESM_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-FIO-ESM_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-FIO-ESM_r1i1p1 60.9595 -0.391 235.97 236.361 261.959 -48.3435 25.598 -22.7455 3.00649 25.3846
CMIP5-historical-GFDL-CM2p1_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-GFDL-CM2p1_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-GFDL-CM2p1_r1i1p1 -999913 999658 999896 237.205 999999 999896 999762 1.99966e+06 2.91278 999999
CMIP5-historical-GFDL-CM3_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-GFDL-CM3_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-GFDL-CM3_r1i1p1 1.4409 0.717 235.737 235.02 261.21 -50.3393 26.19 -24.1493 2.98409 23.0656
CMIP5-historical-GFDL-ESM2G_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-GFDL-ESM2G_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-GFDL-ESM2G_r1i1p1 1.6477 0.581 237.961 237.38 261.18 -49.5857 23.8 -25.7857 2.96759 22.544
CMIP5-historical-GFDL-ESM2M_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-GFDL-ESM2M_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-GFDL-ESM2M_r1i1p1 1.6881 0.637 238.697 238.06 261.917 -49.3915 23.857 -25.5345 2.98312 23.0184
CMIP5-historical-GISS-E2-H-CC_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-GISS-E2-H-CC_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-GISS-E2-H-CC_r1i1p1 1.3913 0.706 239.943 239.237 258.059 -48.6204 18.822 -29.7984 3.20996 23.909
CMIP5-historical-GISS-E2-H_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-GISS-E2-H_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-GISS-E2-H_r1i1p1 1.5116 0.906 240.364 239.458 258.487 -48.6236 19.029 -29.5946 3.2113 23.9032
CMIP5-historical-GISS-E2-R-CC_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-GISS-E2-R-CC_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-GISS-E2-R-CC_r1i1p1 1.547 0.875 239.618 238.743 257.534 -48.8814 18.791 -30.0904 3.17551 23.706
CMIP5-historical-GISS-E2-R_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-GISS-E2-R_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-GISS-E2-R_r1i1p1 1.622 0.933 239.626 238.693 257.448 -48.889 18.755 -30.134 3.17391 23.6077
CMIP5-historical-HadCM3_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-HadCM3_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-HadCM3_r1i1p1 1.1754 0.491 239.564 239.073 260.257 -49.9068 21.184 -28.7228 2.89981 999999
CMIP5-historical-HadGEM2-AO_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-HadGEM2-AO_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-HadGEM2-AO_r1i1p1 -1.99957e+06 0.9623 243.242 242.28 267.145 -44.3195 24.865 -19.4545 3.09463 999999
CMIP5-historical-HadGEM2-CC_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-HadGEM2-CC_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-HadGEM2-CC_r1i1p1 1.4098 0.5355 241.643 241.107 264.855 -43.3174 23.748 -19.5694 3.03329 22.091
CMIP5-historical-HadGEM2-ES_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-HadGEM2-ES_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-HadGEM2-ES_r1i1p1 1.5087 0.6225 241.801 241.179 265.599 -43.7881 24.42 -19.3681 3.05863 22.5852
CMIP5-historical-inmcm4_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-inmcm4_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-inmcm4_r1i1p1 -2.3478 1.3207 244.726 243.405 264.152 -40.7121 20.747 -19.9651 3.15337 24.8552
CMIP5-historical-IPSL-CM5A-LR_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-IPSL-CM5A-LR_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-IPSL-CM5A-LR_r1i1p1 1.068 1.087 238.21 237.123 267.893 -51.4949 30.77 -20.7249 2.71525 22.1577
CMIP5-historical-IPSL-CM5A-MR_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-IPSL-CM5A-MR_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-IPSL-CM5A-MR_r1i1p1 1.2007 1.26 239.831 238.571 270.353 -51.8154 31.782 -20.0334 2.79277 23.3053
CMIP5-historical-IPSL-CM5B-LR_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-IPSL-CM5B-LR_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-IPSL-CM5B-LR_r1i1p1 1.4063 0.658 240.417 239.759 267.433 -49.6235 27.674 -21.9495 2.80139 24.2064
CMIP5-historical-MIROC4h_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-MIROC4h_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-MIROC4h_r1i1p1 1.7249 0.928 239.765 238.837 266.984 -48.9493 28.147 -20.8023 2.94685 23.2595
CMIP5-historical-MIROC5_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-MIROC5_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-MIROC5_r1i1p1 1.5151 1.527 236.263 234.736 260.722 -54.3527 25.986 -28.3667 3.19927 23.9793
CMIP5-historical-MIROC-ESM-CHEM_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-MIROC-ESM-CHEM_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-MIROC-ESM-CHEM_r1i1p1 2.1092 -2.476 233.661 236.137 258.89 -54.0255 22.753 -31.2725 2.77099 22.7176
CMIP5-historical-MIROC-ESM_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-MIROC-ESM_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-MIROC-ESM_r1i1p1 2.0526 -2.359 233.81 236.169 259.195 -53.9933 23.026 -30.9673 2.78526 22.6964
CMIP5-historical-MPI-ESM-LR_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-MPI-ESM-LR_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-MPI-ESM-LR_r1i1p1 1.4163 1.196 237.64 236.444 261.251 -48.2396 24.807 -23.4326 2.94086 24.4314
CMIP5-historical-MPI-ESM-MR_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-MPI-ESM-MR_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-MPI-ESM-MR_r1i1p1 1.316 1.207 239.682 238.475 261.971 -46.3117 23.496 -22.8157 2.99291 24.6876
CMIP5-historical-MPI-ESM-P_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-MPI-ESM-P_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-MPI-ESM-P_r1i1p1 1.537 1.335 237.827 236.492 261.296 -48.2359 24.804 -23.4319 2.93061 24.3231
CMIP5-historical-MRI-CGCM3_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-MRI-CGCM3_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-MRI-CGCM3_r1i1p1 1.2529 0.79 238.289 237.499 261.13 -46.3425 23.631 -22.7115 2.9052 25.411
CMIP5-historical-MRI-ESM1_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-MRI-ESM1_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-MRI-ESM1_r1i1p1 1.2988 0.844 238.919 238.075 261.507 -45.9468 23.432 -22.5148 2.92511 25.8552
CMIP5-historical-NorESM1-ME_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-NorESM1-ME_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-NorESM1-ME_r1i1p1 1.3541 2.656 234.477 231.821 261.46 -54.258 29.639 -24.619 2.78768 23.8877
CMIP5-historical-NorESM1-M_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-historical-NorESM1-M_r1i1p1 1985_2005 CMIP5-historical-NorESM1-M_r1i1p1 1.2708 2.614 235.045 232.431 262.264 -54.6288 29.833 -24.7958 2.80836 24.1969

Calcul de métriques sur des masques

Les flux sont orientés vers le bas. Les moyennes sont faites sur les masques montrés entre le titre et le graphe. Pour ETOA, la figure correspond à la différence entre le rouge et le bleu.

Moyennes annuelles - Annual mean

YEAR mean

Convective Weak Subsidence
ETO-Weak YEAR circA DJF Sibe JJA