(AUTRES) Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : CMIP5-amip-ACCESS1-0_r1i1p1

RUN (link to outputs) Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Description of the simulation _________________________________ Period Name (link to parameters) bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
CMIP5-amip-ACCESS1-0_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-ACCESS1-0_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-ACCESS1-0_r1i1p1 1.0015 0.1337 242.059 241.925 266.948 -45.1337 25.023 -20.1107 3.08467 23.6194
CMIP5-amip-ACCESS1-3_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-ACCESS1-3_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-ACCESS1-3_r1i1p1 1.8994 0.7367 244.058 243.321 269.665 -44.4928 26.344 -18.1488 3.19371 24.4048
CMIP5-amip-bcc-csm1-1_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-bcc-csm1-1_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-bcc-csm1-1_r1i1p1 2.5023 1.03 234.438 233.408 262.64 -57.4773 29.232 -28.2453 2.73848 24.249
CMIP5-amip-BNU-ESM_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-BNU-ESM_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-BNU-ESM_r1i1p1 2.3937 3.777 240.479 236.702 262.085 -51.2996 25.383 -25.9166 3.04239 25.3288
CMIP5-amip-CanAM4_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-CanAM4_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-CanAM4_r1i1p1 0.4409 0.322 239.7 239.378 264.716 -48.0116 25.338 -22.6736 2.79775 23.3531
CMIP5-amip-CCSM4_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-CCSM4_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-CCSM4_r1i1p1 1.7957 1.1372 242.331 241.194 264.936 -48.2336 23.742 -24.4916 2.95671 24.9311
CMIP5-amip-CESM1-CAM5_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-CESM1-CAM5_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-CESM1-CAM5_r1i1p1 1.6853 0.8041 241.035 240.231 260.467 -48.5888 20.236 -28.3528 3.03779 25.3709
CMIP5-amip-CMCC-CM_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-CMCC-CM_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-CMCC-CM_r1i1p1 0.5064 -0.055 237.599 237.654 263.017 -44.5296 25.363 -19.1666 2.94848 25.8694
CMIP5-amip-CNRM-CM5_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-CNRM-CM5_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-CNRM-CM5_r1i1p1 -1.092 1.7914 243.114 241.323 262.808 -41.4847 21.485 -19.9997 3.0296 23.6088
CMIP5-amip-CSIRO-Mk3-6-0_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-CSIRO-Mk3-6-0_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-CSIRO-Mk3-6-0_r1i1p1 4.993 5.214 241.044 235.83 266.106 -42.0206 30.276 -11.7446 3.00141 26.3839
CMIP5-amip-EC-EARTH_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-EC-EARTH_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-EC-EARTH_r1i1p1 -1.99958e+06 -999901 -999659 242.448 999999 0 999757 999757 2.94759 23.6994
CMIP5-amip-FGOALS-g2_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-FGOALS-g2_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-FGOALS-g2_r1i1p1 -1.858 -0.99 237.922 238.912 261.773 -48.1908 22.861 -25.3298 2.93059 999999
CMIP5-amip-FGOALS-s2_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-FGOALS-s2_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-FGOALS-s2_r1i1p1 0.8999 1.2654 246.249 244.984 262.553 -48.7137 17.569 -31.1447 2.80721 24.4031
CMIP5-amip-GFDL-CM3_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-GFDL-CM3_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-GFDL-CM3_r1i1p1 1.3159 0.549 236.338 235.789 261.948 -49.5288 26.159 -23.3698 3.03356 24.5271
CMIP5-amip-GFDL-HIRAM-C180_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-GFDL-HIRAM-C180_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-GFDL-HIRAM-C180_r1i1p1 1.7223 0.802 235.904 235.102 260.775 -51.2952 25.673 -25.6222 2.9671 24.0853
CMIP5-amip-GFDL-HIRAM-C360_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-GFDL-HIRAM-C360_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-GFDL-HIRAM-C360_r1i1p1 2.3566 1.332 237.583 236.251 260.751 -50.0809 24.5 -25.5809 2.97684 24.0905
CMIP5-amip-GISS-E2-R_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-GISS-E2-R_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-GISS-E2-R_r1i1p1 1.5576 0.78 239.659 238.879 257.125 -48.1582 18.246 -29.9122 3.14364 22.6723
CMIP5-amip-HadGEM2-A_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-HadGEM2-A_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-HadGEM2-A_r1i1p1 1.2685 0.3263 242.174 241.848 266.546 -44.43 24.698 -19.732 3.08212 23.5943
CMIP5-amip-inmcm4_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-inmcm4_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-inmcm4_r1i1p1 -3.494 -0.0131 242.873 242.886 262.916 -40.7739 20.03 -20.7439 3.19633 25.0579
CMIP5-amip-IPSL-CM5A-LR_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-IPSL-CM5A-LR_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-IPSL-CM5A-LR_r1i1p1 1.2867 1.225 240.793 239.568 269.759 -48.0328 30.191 -17.8418 2.80092 24.1327
CMIP5-amip-IPSL-CM5A-MR_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-IPSL-CM5A-MR_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-IPSL-CM5A-MR_r1i1p1 2.5044 2.4591 241.597 239.138 270.486 -48.6787 31.348 -17.3307 2.81985 24.1062
CMIP5-amip-IPSL-CM5B-LR_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-IPSL-CM5B-LR_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-IPSL-CM5B-LR_r1i1p1 -1.1495 -1.961 238.431 240.392 267.557 -50.5499 27.165 -23.3849 2.84267 24.5085
CMIP5-amip-MIROC5_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-MIROC5_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-MIROC5_r1i1p1 -0.077 -0.252 235.604 235.856 260.944 -53.6267 25.088 -28.5387 3.2271 25.1571
CMIP5-amip-MIROC-ESM_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-MIROC-ESM_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-MIROC-ESM_r1i1p1 0.1878 -4.4 232.834 237.234 260.476 -54.9058 23.242 -31.6638 2.8517 24.1942
CMIP5-amip-MPI-ESM-LR_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-MPI-ESM-LR_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-MPI-ESM-LR_r1i1p1 0.7186 0.457 237.374 236.917 261.814 -47.9379 24.897 -23.0409 2.97599 25.4136
CMIP5-amip-MPI-ESM-MR_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-MPI-ESM-MR_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-MPI-ESM-MR_r1i1p1 1.0773 0.924 239.418 238.494 262.132 -45.9487 23.638 -22.3107 3.00117 25.1726
CMIP5-amip-MRI-AGCM3-2H_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-MRI-AGCM3-2H_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-MRI-AGCM3-2H_r1i1p1 -1.6386 -1.494 239.473 240.967 265.784 -43.3624 24.817 -18.5454 2.9545 24.3706
CMIP5-amip-MRI-AGCM3-2S_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-MRI-AGCM3-2S_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-MRI-AGCM3-2S_r1i1p1 -2.5679 -2.279 240.598 242.877 266.298 -42.2747 23.421 -18.8537 3.01049 23.8714
CMIP5-amip-MRI-CGCM3_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-MRI-CGCM3_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-MRI-CGCM3_r1i1p1 -0.5415 -1.022 238.129 239.151 262.47 -47.3711 23.319 -24.0521 2.99422 26.3508
CMIP5-amip-NorESM1-M_r1i1p1 - - - - - - - - - CMIP5-amip-NorESM1-M_r1i1p1 1979_2005 CMIP5-amip-NorESM1-M_r1i1p1 -0.3499 1.018 234.442 233.424 263.26 -55.6448 29.836 -25.8088 2.8787 25.687

Axe 2: variabilité des précipitations tropicales

Responsable : Catherine Rio remplacée momentanéement par Jean-Yves Grandpeix et Marine Bonazzola
Liste de diffusion : lmdz_vartrop@mailhost.lmd.jussieu.fr

Analyse LMA (Local Modes Analysis)

Variabilité des précipitations, comparée à TRMM

Variabilité des précipitations, comparée à TRMM (alternative)

distribution moyenne précipitations, comparée à TRMM et GPCP (océan/continent)