(AUTRES) Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : COR2mE

RUN (link to outputs) Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Atlas --MAM-- Atlas --SON-- Description of the simulation ______________________________ Period Name (link to parameters) bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
COR2mE G - - G - - G - - G - - G - - T2m corrigé (bornage, reformulation + bug ORC) 1989_1998 COR2mE 1.5768 0.809 240.151 239.342 263.543 -48.0172 24.201 -23.8162 3.06898 3.06236 24.9424
COR2mEg G - - G - - G - - G - - G - - idem COR2mE + guidage 1989_1998 COR2mEg 24.8813 0.078 241.812 241.734 265.638 -46.6182 23.904 -22.7142 2.51537 2.50984 26.1275
CCOR2mEg G - - G - - G - - G - - G - - Simul. corrigée avec COR2mEg 1989_1998 CCOR2mEg 23.0419 -2.483 239.13 241.613 265.996 -49.2881 24.383 -24.9051 2.51774 2.90728e-05 26.328
CORnBL G - - G - - G - - G - - G - - Simul. corrigée avec GUIDnBL 1989_1998 CORnBL 20.5426 -2.516 237.009 239.525 264.668 -51.3588 25.143 -26.2158 2.58051 2.57525 26.8599

Multi atlas, SON, simulation de référence : COR2mE_1989_1998 (MAPS)

2d vars

  • OBSERVATIONS COR2mE_1989_1998 COR2mEg_1989_1998 CCOR2mEg_1989_1998 CORnBL_1989_1998
  • Sea level pressure (psl)
  • Sea level pressure (psl)
  • -
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • -
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • -
  • Rad. SW Down Sfce (rsds)
  • Rad. SW Down Sfce (rsds)
  • -
  • Air Temperature (ta)
  • Air Temperature (ta)
  • -
  • Specific Humidity (hur)
  • Specific Humidity (hur)
  • -
  • Zonal wind (ua)
  • Zonal wind (ua)
  • -
  • va (va)
  • va (va)
  • -
  • Precipitable Water (prw)
  • Precipitable Water (prw)
  • -