(AUTRES) Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : FHXVLR16NPv6.0.11cvoro

RUN (link to outputs) Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Description of the simulation ____________________________ Period Name (link to parameters) bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
FHXVLR16NPv6.0.11cvoro G - - - - - - - - FHXXVLR16NPv6.0.11cvoro 2006_2006 FHXVLR16NPv6.0.11cvoro 3.9209 2.738 236.498 233.76 258.681 -48.6367 24.921 -23.7157 3.04828 25.9592
FHXVLR12NPv6.0.11gust G - - - - - - - - NPv6.0.11gust 2000_2000 FHXVLR12NPv6.0.11gust 2.3276 1.026 237.241 236.215 258.591 -47.7202 22.376 -25.3442 3.03344 26.0019
FHXVLR16NPv6.0.11cvoroH G - - - - - - - - en fait FHXVLR16NPv6.0.11cvoroH 2006_2006 FHXVLR16NPv6.0.11cvoroH 3.8877 3.262 238.468 235.206 259.591 -46.5349 24.385 -22.1499 3.03584 25.4225
FHXVLR16GU20cldlc G - - - - - - - - FHXVLR16GU20cldlc 2006_2006 FHXVLR16GU20cldlc 2.7466 1.965 237.817 235.852 258.856 -46.9658 23.004 -23.9618 2.99381 25.7669
FHXVLR16TR50nosplit G - - - - - - - - FHXVLR16TR50nosplit 2006_2006 FHXVLR16TR50nosplit 2.8962 2.136 233.826 231.69 258.414 -51.0732 26.724 -24.3492 2.89241 25.2581

Multi atlas, YEAR, simulation de référence : FHXVLR16NPv6.0.11cvoro_2006_2006 (MAPS)

2d vars

  • OBSERVATIONS FHXVLR16NPv6.0.11cvoro_2006_2006 FHXVLR12NPv6.0.11gust_2000_2000 FHXVLR16NPv6.0.11cvoroH_2006_2006 FHXVLR16GU20cldlc_2006_2006 FHXVLR16TR50nosplit_2006_2006
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • -
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • -
  • Shortwave Cloud Radiative Effect TOA (crest)
  • Shortwave Cloud Radiative Effect TOA (crest)
  • -
  • Downward SW rad at Surface (rsds)
  • Downward SW rad at Surface (rsds)
  • -
  • prw (prw)
  • prw (prw)
  • -
  • Total CRE TOA (crett)
  • Total CRE TOA (crett)
  • -