(AUTRES) Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : LMDZOR63-LR-amip-CTRL-std

RUN (link to outputs) Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Atlas --MAM-- Atlas --SON-- Description of the simulation _________________________________________________________ Period Name (link to parameters) bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
LMDZOR63-LR-amip-CTRL-std - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - amip LMDZv6.3 controle (physiq.def_NPv6.3) 2000_2009 LMDZOR63-LR-amip-CTRL-std 2.6113 1.922 239.889 237.967 262.768 -47.3839 24.801 -22.5829 3.01667 3.01012 25.5123
LMDZOR63-LR-amip-CTRL-new - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - amip LMDZv6.3 starts methode harmoniques spheriques (physiq.def_NPv6.3) 2000_2009 LMDZOR63-LR-amip-CTRL-new 2.4945 1.874 239.755 237.881 262.778 -47.6256 24.897 -22.7286 3.01561 3.00896 25.5811
LMDZOR63-LR-amip-ORONTIS-new - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - amip LMDZv6.3 starts methode harmoniques spheriques (physiq.def_NPv6.3ORONTIS) 2000_2009 LMDZOR63-LR-amip-ORONTIS-new 2.4779 1.851 239.73 237.879 262.767 -47.6475 24.888 -22.7595 3.01752 3.01086 25.6385
LMDZOR63-LR-amip-ORONTIS-new-g - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - amip LMDZv6.3 starts methode harmoniques spheriques gamma (physiq.def_NPv6.3ORONTIS) 2000_2009 LMDZOR63-LR-amip-ORONTIS-new-g 2.525 1.897 239.774 237.877 262.779 -47.6169 24.902 -22.7149 3.01573 3.00924 25.5964

Multi atlas, MAM, simulation de référence : OBS (BIAS)

2d vars

  • OBSERVATIONS LMDZOR63-LR-amip-CTRL-std_2000_2009 LMDZOR63-LR-amip-CTRL-std_2000_2009 (BIAS) LMDZOR63-LR-amip-CTRL-new_2000_2009 LMDZOR63-LR-amip-ORONTIS-new_2000_2009 LMDZOR63-LR-amip-ORONTIS-new-g_2000_2009
  • Sea level pressure (psl)
  • Sea level pressure (psl)
  • -
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • -
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • 2M Temperature (tas)
  • -
  • Rad. SW Down Sfce (rsds)
  • Rad. SW Down Sfce (rsds)
  • -
  • Air Temperature (ta)
  • Air Temperature (ta)
  • -
  • Relative Humidity (hur)
  • Relative Humidity (hur)
  • -
  • Zonal wind (ua)
  • Zonal wind (ua)
  • -
  • va (va)
  • va (va)
  • -