RUN (link to outputs) | Atlas YEAR | Atlas --DJF-- | Atlas --JJA-- | Description of the simulation _______________________ | Period | Name (link to parameters) | bils | rt | rst | rlut | rlutcs | crest | crelt | cret | eva | pr | prw |
CLIMATOS | 7.097 | 0.7823 | 240.4 | 239.6 | 269.4 | -47.05 | 29.84 | -17.21 | 3.415 | 2.61 | 27.46 | ||||||
CL4.O21r5695.L618 | G - - | G - - | G - - | ORC-CM6 | 1989_1998 | CL4.O21r5695.L618 | 2.7696 | 2.108 | 239.88 | 237.772 | 262.708 | -48.2086 | 24.936 | -23.2726 | 3.03883 | 25.2509 | |
CL4.ORC3.6907.bck | G - - | G - - | G - - | ORC azote | 1995_2004 | CL4.ORC3.6907.bck | 2.9379 | 2.259 | 240.063 | 237.804 | 262.808 | -48.8254 | 25.004 | -23.8214 | 3.05931 | 25.5467 | |
CL5.ORC3.6907.bck | G - - | G - - | G - - | ORC azote | 1995_2004 | CL5.ORC3.6907.bck | -0.1704 | -0.069 | 237.66 | 237.729 | 262.952 | -51.1991 | 25.223 | -25.9761 | 3.06797 | 25.4655 | |
albszon | albtzon | clhcalipsozon |
clhzon | cllcalipsozon | cllzon |
clmcalipsozon | clmzon | crelszon |
creltzon | cresszon | crestzon |
cretszon | crettzon | hflszon |
hfnszon | hfsszon | hurszon |
prwzon | przon | pslzon |
rahcrezon | rahcszon | rahzon |
rlahcrezon | rlahcszon | rlahzon |
rldscszon | rldszon | rluszon |
rlutcszon | rlutzon | rsahcrezon |
rsahcszon | rsahzon | rsdscszon |
rsdszon | rstszon | rsttcszon |
rsttzon | rsuscszon | rsuszon |
rsutcszon | rsutzon | rtszon |
rttcszon | rttzon | sstzon |
taszon | tauuzon | tauvzon |
zg500zon | ||