(AUTRES) Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : LMDZOR6.0.12

RUN (link to outputs) Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Description of the simulation ____________________________ Period Name (link to parameters) bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
LMDZOR6.0.12 - - - - - - - - - LMDZOR 6012 1995_2004 LMDZOR6.0.12 3.8219 3.2084 242.665 239.457 262.96 -45.9472 23.503 -22.4442 3.07132 25.3644
LMDZOR6.0.12.NG G - - G - - G - - LMDZOR 6012 new gust 1995_2004 LMDZOR6.0.12.NG 5.151 4.5284 243.486 238.958 262.382 -45.1385 23.424 -21.7145 3.04085 25.063
LMDZOR6.0.12.NOGUST G - - G - - G - - LMDZOR NOGUST 1995_2004 LMDZOR6.0.12.NOGUST 4.068 3.4591 242.84 239.381 262.842 -45.8461 23.461 -22.3851 3.08818 25.5381
LMDZOR6.0.12.NOZ0 - - - - - - - - - LMDZOR NOZ0 1995_2004 LMDZOR6.0.12.NOZ0 3.3035 2.6857 242.305 239.619 263.071 -46.3711 23.452 -22.9191 3.14568 26.0381
LMDZOR6.0.12.NOZ0.QH98 G - - G - - G - - LMDZOR NOZ0 fqsat_oce=0.98 1995_2004 LMDZOR6.0.12.NOZ0.QH98 3.8364 3.2247 242.665 239.44 262.955 -45.9851 23.515 -22.4701 3.0926 25.6097
LMDZOR6.0.12.NOZ0.MWS G - - G - - G - - LMDZOR NOZ0 minwindspeed=1 1995_2004 LMDZOR6.0.12.NOZ0.MWS 5.5706 4.9424 244.114 239.172 262.323 -44.5738 23.151 -21.4228 3.05305 24.9971
CPL6.0.12 G - - G - - G - - IPSLCM 6012 1950_1959 CPL6.0.12 2.1365 1.654 241.5 239.846 263.363 -45.982 23.517 -22.465 3.04804 24.5942
CPL6.0.12.NOGUST G - - G - - G - - CPL NOGUST 1950_1959 CPL6.0.12.NOGUST 2.0338 1.532 241.213 239.681 263.287 -46.2557 23.606 -22.6497 3.05419 24.5392

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precipSH-CPL6-0-12-NOGUST precipSH-CPL6-0-12 precipSH-LMDZOR6-0-12-NG precipSH-LMDZOR6-0-12-NOGUST
precipSH-LMDZOR6-0-12-NOZ0-MWS precipSH-LMDZOR6-0-12-NOZ0 precipSH-LMDZOR6-0-12-NOZ0-QH98 precipSH-LMDZOR6-0-12