(AUTRES) Série de simulations préparatoires à CMIP6, LMDZ-Orchidee, CTRL : CM615-LR-amip1

RUN (link to outputs) Atlas YEAR Atlas --DJF-- Atlas --JJA-- Atlas --MAM-- Atlas --SON-- Description of the simulation __________________________ Period Name (link to parameters) bils rt rst rlut rlutcs crest crelt cret eva pr prw
CLIMATOS 7.097 0.7823 240.4 239.6 269.4 -47.05 29.84 -17.21 3.415 2.61 27.46
CM615-LR-amip1 G - - G - - G - - - - - - - - CMIP6A-LR (IPSL-CM6A-LR, r1i1p1f1) 1980_1980 CM615-LR-amip1 3.1276 2.396 240.499 238.103 263.238 -48.1029 25.135 -22.9679 3.0448 3.04086 25.0085
LUDO1 G - - G - - G - - - - - - - - LUDO1, 1980-1989 1980_1989 LUDO1 2.343 1.749 240.38 238.631 261.983 -48.349 23.352 -24.997 3.00609 2.97193 25.3136
IT1P701bW61-038 G - - G - - G - - - - - - - - IT1P701bW61-038 1996_1996 IT1P701bW61-038 4.1594 1.5746 246.359 244.784 263.168 -42.4658 18.384 -24.0818 3.10192 2.96044 25.1386
IT1P701bW62-237 G - - G - - G - - - - - - - - IT1P701bW62-237 1996_1996 IT1P701bW62-237 5.2381 2.8307 244.111 241.28 261.633 -44.7779 20.353 -24.4249 3.05595 2.89149 25.4044
IT1P701bW61-007 G - - G - - G - - - - - - - - IT1P701bW61-007 1996_1996 IT1P701bW61-007 5.2216 3.2993 246.576 243.277 262.825 -42.1954 19.548 -22.6474 3.02651 2.96199 25.0925
IT1P701bW62-091 G - - G - - G - - - - - - - - IT1P701bW62-091 1996_1996 IT1P701bW62-091 4.9925 2.634 238.352 235.718 261.885 -50.5949 26.167 -24.4279 2.91355 2.66416 26.426
IT1P701bW62-068 G - - G - - G - - - - - - - - IT1P701bW62-068 1996_1996 IT1P701bW62-068 3.7681 1.8702 242.846 240.976 262.878 -45.9543 21.902 -24.0523 3.03481 2.79419 25.0579
IT1P701bW62-126 G - - G - - G - - - - - - - - IT1P701bW62-126 1996_1996 IT1P701bW62-126 5.4133 3.368 246.075 242.707 263.048 -42.797 20.341 -22.456 2.98566 2.82339 25.6557
IT1P701bW61-208 G - - G - - G - - - - - - - - IT1P701bW61-208 1996_1996 IT1P701bW61-208 3.8131 1.05 241.766 240.716 261.903 -46.7986 21.187 -25.6116 2.96965 2.78888 25.0434